Service Specials

Wild Card

Savings at any Mastria Service Center

You save $10 when you spend $100-$199.99 parts and labor
You save $20 when you spend $200-$299.99 parts and labor
You save $30 when you spend $300-$399.99 parts and labor
You save $40 when you spend $400-$499.99 parts and labor
You save $50 when you spend $500 & Higher parts and labor

Please print and present upon arrival.

FREE Battery Inspection

Our professionals will check your battery condition, will check the charging system, and check the terminals for proper connection!

Please print and present upon arrival. May not be combined with other offers.

FREE Multi-Point Inspection

Get your vehicle ready for winter! Receive a free multi-point inspection when you present this coupon at any Mastria Service Center!

Please print and present upon arrival.

FREE Rental When you have your car serviced

With your total of $250 or more of repairs at Mastria, you will receive a free rental for your convenience while your vehicle is being serviced!

Please print and present upon arrival.

$50.00 OFF Remote Starter Installation

Save today on a remote starter installation! Perfect for those cold months ahead!

Please print and present coupon upon arrival.

$69.95 Coolant System Check-up

One of our professionals will drain your entire cooling and heating system of fluids, pressure test and check for leaks, and refill and insure your system functions properly.

Please print and present coupon upon arrival. Cannot be combined with any other offer.

$10.00 OFF In-Cabin Microfilter Replacement

Breathe easier this winter! Heave your in-cabin microfilter replaced by one of our service professionals!

Please print and present upon arrival. May not be combined with other offers.

$5.00 OFF Wiper Blade Replacement

Prepare for the rain and snow! Come in to get a a NEW set of front wiper blades installed and have your washer fluid topped off!

Please print and present upon arrival. Cannot be combined with other offers.